Tentang Kami
As a contracted supplier under framework contract of Government's e-catalogue system, We are committed to provide professional services to support secured and trustworthy purchases. We offer wide range of high quality products needed by many medical services around Indonesia.
Today, Global Systech Medika has worked with more than 100 hospitals in Indonesia. With this achievement we are sure to become a leader in the field of medical equipment provider in Indonesia.

Visi dan Misi
Our vision is to become a major medical equipment provider in Indonesia that qualified, committed, continuously growing and prioritize excellent services.
And at the same time we carry a mission to provide and improve the service of providing affordable quality medical equipments; Drive a health-minded National development; Increase awareness and responsibility towards the community through Government Hospitals and Health Department.

Etika Kerja
At Global Systech Medika, we maintain postive work ethics such as:
GSM staff's determination to obey and run the company regulations.
Each GSM staff has a reliable and trustworthy quality of work in order to achieve the company's vision.
GSM staff's determination to be loyal and enhance the professionalism based on new technology development in order to achieve the company's vision and consumer expectations.
We are united in GSM and committed to work in according to the company's standard in order to exceed consumers expectations by providing better services.