
by Unitehprom

The pulseoxymetry option expands diagnostic capabilities of the spirometer, allowing objectifying the forming of the diagnosis of respiratory insufficiency. Provides high-grade monitory of oxygen saturation of the blood (SpO2), pulse rate (HR) as well as data trends.

Features :

  • Controls the quality of performance of respiratory maneuvers by patients on the basis of ATS/ERS-2005, automatically makes a conclusion about RF status
  • Compiles individual case histories of patient examinations (files), which allows comparing the results of examinations and dynamic observation
  • Uses the results of all RF examinations from a patient’s file for diagnostics. Thus, a standard conclusion at the examination date contains not only current results but an analysis of dynamics of ventilation parameters for the observation period as well - the COLD Monitoring Mode
  • Allows evaluating spirograms at a glance, without the necessity to analyze numerical values. It is easy to interpret RF protocols not only for functional specialists (pulmonologists allergists), bit also for general practitioners.